PDF Bank Statement JSON API

Postman Collection


1. Get the Authorization Token

  1. Go to https://bankstatementconverter.com/ in Google Chrome
  2. Login
  3. Hit F12 to open up the developer tools
  4. Click on the “Application” tab
  5. On the left panel click on “Storage” -> “Local Storage” -> “https://bankstatementconverter.com/"
  6. You should see a key called “bsc-authToken” and a corresponding value.

  1. The value is the Authorization Token. Copy the value.

2. Upload PDF API

Method: POST
URL: https://api2.bankstatementconverter.com/api/v1/BankStatement
Headers: { Authorization: AUTH_TOKEN }
Body: Multipart Form Data

Request Headers

Request Body

Response Body

3. Convert PDF API

Method: POST
URL: https://api2.bankstatementconverter.com/api/v1/BankStatement/convert?format=JSON
Headers: { Authorization: AUTH_TOKEN }
Body: A list of UUID strings in JSON. The UUID comes from the response of the Upload PDF API.

Request Headers

Request Body

Response Body

You get an array of document conversion results, one for each UUID you provide in the body. Each result has a raw and a normalised property. The raw property provides all the transaction columns. The normalised property contains only the date, description and amount columns. As you can see in the example below, the debit value of “5.00” becomes “-5.00” when normalised into an amount value.

    "raw": [
            "date": "03/08/20",
            "description": "Monthly Service Fee",
            "credit": null,
            "debit": "5.00",
            "balance": "777.07",
            "amount": null,
            "charge": null
    "normalised": [
            "date": "03/08/20",
            "description": "Monthly Service Fee",
            "amount": "-5.00"

4. Provide Password for PDF

This API is only needed if the PDFs you uploaded have passwords.

Method: POST
URL: https://api2.bankstatementconverter.com/api/v1/BankStatement/setPassword
Headers: { Authorization: AUTH_TOKEN }
Body: A list of uuids and passwords 

Request Body

  "passwords": [
    { "uuid": "b0df4b60-1ab7-4edf-bf87-4664f91a67b7", "password": "elephant" }

Response Body

        "uuid": "b0df4b60-1ab7-4edf-bf87-4664f91a67b7",
        "filename": "locked.pdf",
        "pdfType": "TEXT_BASED",
        "state": "READY",
        "numberOfPages": 3

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