Bank Statement Converter

About Bank Statement Converter

Bank Statement Converter was created in April 2021. One day I decided I wanted to take a close look at my spending patterns. I was expecting my bank to provide a CSV or Excel file, however they only provided PDF files. I downloaded all the PDFs for a few years and then wrote some code to extract the transaction data. I thought this might be useful for other people so I created this website.

Since launch quite a few people have bought subscriptions. I run this company on my own. I'm always happy to talk to users

About Angus Cheng

Angus Cheng is a grumpy programmer who thinks he knows best about everything. Because of this he is unable to work for a company. This sad individual has no other choice but to earn money by creating and selling his software products.

In the past he has worked in game development, ATM/EPS machines, banks and even crpyto. Feel free to spend some time with Angus on LinkedIn or Twitter.